This blog was written by a real human being. No textual or photographic content created by the author of this blog was generated by AI. Though a website or search engine used during research (or quoted text/externally provided photos) may be utilizing AI, a sincere attempt is made here to reference human verifiable content to help ensure accuracy. No AI chatbots or tools were directly used in research, unless specifically noted as an example of their use.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Glimpse of The Carrington Event

 "The Aurora which occurred on Thursday night produced effects much more remarkable than those of the previous Sunday night. The auroral currents were sufficiently powerful on Thursday to enable the telegraphic operators at Portland to transmit messages to Boston without resorting to the use of the batteries; and similar phenomena were observed at Pittsburgh."

Remarkable Effect of the Aurora Upon the Telegraph Wires
The New York Times - September 5, 1859



The intent of this blog, as it reawakens, is not to be a day-to-day resource for solar flare activity.  You will find multiple resources listed on the website with all the information you need.  A really good one is  

Instead, the intent here is to provide informative and engaging content, curated and shared by a real human being.  At times, yes, that will include exceptional things that are currently happening, but not on a daily basis.

Perhaps no topic is more fascinating (and for very good reason) than The Carrington Event in 1859.  The quote above gives you a glimpse.  There will be much more to say. 














Sunday, March 3, 2024

This Blog is Awakening . . .

This blog is awakening (along with its associated website

More soon . . .